Nabco Notifications For Successful CPTP Registration Has Started Rolling
Nabco has started rolling messages for trainees with an indication for completion and accomplishment of the CPTP. The notifications were sent to trainees for the indication of their positive intentions to remain on the scheme with regards to their preferred institutions.
The Career Pathways Transition Process (CPTP) ended on December 20th, 2020 with almost 80.52% completing the process and was later extended for all trainees who couldn’t accomplished their CPTP to enhance completion. This transition process is part of the scheme’s processes towards the exit plan and it’s therefore presumed that, any legitimate trainee who has completed the CPTP will be enhanced with permanent employment as assured by the Government hence the CPTP is an initiative intended to address Nabco trainees permanent employment in the country.
The focus of the initiative is to provide public service in health, education, agriculture, technology, governance and drive revenue mobilization and collection. The government has initiated positively to recruit all trainees nationwide to be employed into their preferred institutions after completion of the Nabco CPTP.