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Results Of NDC In 2020 General Elections Is Incredible-Simon Osei Mensah

The Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei Mensah, has complimented the National Democratic Congress (NDC) following its sharp rivalry with administering New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the just-finished official and parliamentary races.

As indicated by him, the NDC shocked him with the “otherworldly” execution put out in the political decision.

Showing up on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo on Friday and adding to a conversation about the decisions, the Ashanti Minister said in spite of the fact that he questioned the NPP of losing this political race, he is overpowered by the fight given them by NDC.

The Minister couldn’t understand why the NDC will give NPP quite a hot race in spite of the presentation of all its leader approaches just as “favorable to helpless arrangements” directed at networks.

“I profoundly salute the NDC for their mysterious presentation. Take a gander at the numerous intercessions by Nana Addo including favorable to helpless approaches. On the off chance that you have examined the constituent scene of Ghana, you’ll see that NPP wins in the large urban areas and towns, consistently we lose in the more unfortunate networks, however I don’t comprehend what occurred,” said Simon Osei Mensah.

Inquired as to whether the NPP’s low presentation couldn’t be credited to the President’s battle against illicit mining, prominently known as galamsey or maybe the financial area emergency, Mr. Simon Osei Mensah stated, he accepts “helpless correspondence” in passing on and disclosing the public authority’s approaches to the individuals, rather influenced the gathering.

“Kwame [referring to the host], I concur with you to a restricted expand. I said restricted expand on the grounds that what number of individuals lost their cash? …Furthermore, the vast majority of them have been paid by the public authority… The onus here is that as NPP, we don’t showcase our items well. We were unable to clarify the significance of the public authority’s strategies to the deeprooted and that caused us,” he disclosed to Kwame Sefa Kayi.

He added, “Take a gander at galamsey, I concur individuals were influenced. I can say 80% of Ghanaians were on the side of Presenter’s battle since it began, however I can’t back this case with any logical information. Be that as it may, we surrendered to the NDC’s publicity in light of our helpless correspondence.”

He, notwithstanding, approached NPP to make an appropriate reflection into what prompted gathering’s destruction as indicated by him, “it’s the lone way we can get ready sufficiently for the 2024 races and win convincingly

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