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Prof.Asare warns NDC to stop tagging John Mahama as winner of 2020 election.

Prof.Asare warns NDC to stop tagging John Mahama as winner of 2020 election.

The United States-based lawful illuminator and Professor of Accounting, Prof. Stephen Kwaku Asare has educated supporters with respect to the resistance National Democratic Congress (NDC) to stop from alluding to previous President John Dramani Mahama as President-Elect of the republic.

As per the educator who is prominently known as Prof. Kwaku Azar, a competitor must be alluded to as “president-elect” in the event that the person in question is a victor of affirmed political race results and appropriately pronounced by the Electoral Commission of the nation.

The industrious reference to Mahama as the duly elected president, as indicated by Prof. Asare is making hurt the picture of the nation which is noted worldwide for being a signal of vote based system on the African mainland.

“… it damages to the public when NDC party individuals allude to his excellency as President-elect.” Prof. Asare wrote in a web-based media post located by

“Just the individual ensured as victor of the decisions is President-elect and for this situation it is President Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo.” he added.

Prof. Asare further exhorted previous president Mahama to not consider “sick” approaches him to proclaim himself president and structure equal government.

Recently, friendly Member of Parliament for Tamale Central voting demographic, Alhaji Inusah Fuseini, whiles talking on Pan African TV’s Alhaji and Alhaji program said Mahama ought to proclaim himself leader of the republic and proceed to shape an administration which will be an equal one to the current New Patriotic Party (NPP) government.

As indicated by Hon. Fuseini, everything shows that John Mahama plainly won the just-finished official political decision.

“I have said and I have pushed that he pronounces himself President and structures an equal government. What’s more, in the event that he was disapproved to take my perspectives, he ought to announce himself President and set up an equal government. The exemption of this administration which is amazing should stop and that is the way we stop it,” Fuseini expressed on the program which was facilitated by Sena Nombo.

Be that as it may, Prof. Asare remains contrary to what the accomplished parliamentarian said as he sees it to be illegal.

He further killed Hon. Fuseini ‘s encourage to John Mahama, depicting it as “sick exhortation” which John Mahama ought not contemplate.

“There is no space for framing an equal government in this nation. We work under a Constitution and it gives a reasonable cycle to contesting political decision results,” the educator expressed.

He added that; “Ex-President John Dramani Mahama ought to disregard the evil guidance of noteworthy Inusah Fuseini and keep on observing the law.”

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