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Nabco trainees set for Ashanti Regional press conference on Friday 29th July 2022

Nabco trainees set for Ashanti Regional press conference on Friday 29th July 2022

The NABTAG president Dennis Katakyie and the unpaid employees of government’s much-hyped Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) have threatened to stage a nationwide press conference following a massive demonstration if government denies to pay them their delayed allowance
They first Regional press conference will be conducted in Ashanti Region on Friday 29th July 2022.

The press conference follows several demands made by the trainees nationwide to their employer to release their delayed allowances which they reported haven’t been paid since November 2021.

Some of the aggrieved workers said, they are ready to go out to create awareness for the public to know the unfair treatment being coupled with regards to the delayed payment of their stipends since November 2021.

“They have decided to go out and mass up to claim their due allowance to be paid in peaceful manner…If the employers refuse to deliver their due allowance hence life is bitter when working without payment at this crucial moment and declared to embark on a nationwide demonstration after the press conference if payments are still neglected,” as disclosed to the media

Sometimes NABCO Trainees have to depend on their parents for their survival which is unfair circumstances they are encountering so they are pleading to the government to settle their due allowance being delayed hence they will hit the streets if the government continue to turn death ear towards their delayed arrears since November 2021.

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  1. We are waiting for our allowance

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