Sethoo Gh discloses convid19 as a threat to business and music;
The international hip-hop Super star Sethoo Gh who’s an influencial hip-hop artist and songwriter has indicated the unpleasant smell coronavirus has negatively and tragically impacted on the music industry worldwide. The celebrated hip-hop artist and songwriter “Sethoo Gh” disclosed to the world’s media and entertainment zones in UK, Africa and worldwide on how coronavirus has created a volatile environment for artists, musicians, songwriters and producers globally
He disclosed the effects of the global coronavirus pandemic on the music industry is loudly heard hence world’s most prestigious festivals are eventually postponing their 2020 editions and celebrations.The international hip-hop Super star Sethoo Gh therefore indicated that musicians, actors, producers and the music industries must pray to God to avoid all these misfortunes the coronavirus is negatively impacting on our music industries
Note B: Sethoo Gh – No pain no gain Ep
Six stones – Mansa( Methmix)