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Nabco trainees lament over unpaid Stipends

Nabco trainees lament over unpaid Stipends

Nabco trainees in heal Ghana lament over unpaid stipends.
Pay us our due stipend! – NABCO trainees in heal Ghana disclose to the media in an interview.



In an interview with some of the nabco trainees in heal Ghana of the nation builder’s corps, they emphasized how life has become unbearable for them since the government refusal to settle them their due stipends for the past months


” We can’t handle this hardship again, the government should pay us Nabco trainees in heal Ghana, in fact we are graduates and we won’t accept for such misfortunes and hardships to happen to us, we are humbly waiting for our unpaid stipends to be paid”, they cried.

More over, they disclosed that, if indeed the officials of the program would handle it this way without regarding their stipend,then the government should prepare to face their wrath coming 2024 general election.

If the government don’t want such misfortunes to happen , then they should pay us as soon as possible”, they expressed.

They pleaded to the government for the settlement of their unpaid Stipends which has made life bitter and unbearable for them.

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