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Rex Asanga Claims, NDC Bribed Him To Leave NPP

Rex Asanga Claims, NDC Bribed Him To Leave NPP

Parliamentary Candidate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the 2016 and 2020 Parliamentary election, Rex Asanga disclosed that, the NDC for fear of the impact he could make in the 2016 election wanted to bribe him to resign.

However, he said he did not fall for the move as he was committed to the positive aspiration of the New Patriotic Party under the leadership of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

Rex Asanga made this known when he spoke to Bolgatanga-based A1 Radio in an interview which was initially reported by

He said ,“Something happened in 2015. When I won the primaries and we began campaigning, there was a Rex fever. A friend of mine who happened to be a partner and a former co-worker called me one day and said, he had been given a project and he wanted to see me. He was a contractor so I thought he had a project from government and wanted some financial support from me. But he said no; ‘you’re actually the project’. I asked how? And he said he had been given a task by the highest level of the NDC to get me to resign from the NPP.

Rex Asanga continued “he told me he was sitting with the top hierarchy of the NDC and they had actually discussed and said that if they didn’t get me out of the way, they could lose the bolga parliamentary seat. They were ready to go into whatever terms I wanted. So I said ‘but you know me that money, houses and cars are not my problem. What will anyone do for me that I’ll sacrifice my integrity?’ But he insisted saying they just wanted me to resign from NPP and join them”.

The parliamentary candidate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the 2016 and 2020 parliamentary race, Rex Asanga unveiled that, the NDC because of a paranoid fear of the effect that, he could won the 2016 political race decided to pay him to leave the NPP party.

Nonetheless, he said he didn’t succumb to the move as he was focused on the positive yearning of the New Patriotic Party under the authority of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

Rex Asanga made this known when he addressed to the media in a meeting which was at first revealed by

Rex Asanga has tried but failed on two occasions to capture the Bolgatanga Central seat from Isaac Adongo and the National Democratic Congress.

Meanwhile, he is expected to be in the mainstream of affairs in the second term of the President of Ghana by relevantly considering the fact that, he did not feature prominently in the first term of the party.

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