Nabco Career Pathways Is Open For Educate Ghana To Put In NTC Licensure Exams Details
The Career Pathways portal is open for only EDUCATE GHANA trainees to put in their NTC LICENSURE EXAMS details.
These are what they requested for:
Examination ID
Date you wrote the exams
Expiry date
The Nabco Career Pathway Transition Process ended in December but unfortunately, EDUCATE GHANA trainees were unable to upload their NTC LICENSURE EXAMS details hence incomplete.
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All trainees under EDUCATE GHANA trainees are expected to visit the portal and upload NTC LICENSURE EXAMS details.
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To begin with the process, you’ll first have to visit the portal and login.
Once you’re on the page, you need to sign in using your NABCO Number and password to accomplish the process as required.
To access the portal,follow the link below;